- WHO WE ARE - Vivai Piante Torre Giuseppe Andrea

Vivai Piante Torre Giuseppe Andrea    +39 3334997303

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Who We Are

The Vivai Piante Torre company was established in 1968 by the founder Francesco Torre. The company produces and commercializes potted citrus plants of various shapes and sizes.  
Placed in Contrada Piana in Tonnarella of Furnari (Messina), it covers about 40,000 square meters, all the area is covered with greenhouses and shades with anti-hail nets.  
The first cultivation of industrial citrus seedlings began in 1980, and following the new cultivation methods, we moved to the cultivation of industrial citrus plants “out of soil”.
In the 80's a new process for the company has begun, projecting the Vivai Piante Torre to a corporate revolution: following the continuous evolution of the market, which in addition to the Italian market, expanded towards Europe with requests for plants of citrus fruits in pots for ornamental use.
With the arrival to the company of his two sons Giuseppe Andrea and Antonio (agricultural technician) begins a new path of growth, focusing on three factors: QUALITY - INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY.  
The continuous research of new varieties of citrus fruits and varietal selection allows us to have a high quality production, with the help of new techniques of trimming and cultivation in pots, also using new technologies of computerized remote-controlled ferti-irrigation, to save water and fertilizers, the use of colored photoselective anti-hail nets and above all the endless training of the company's staff.  
The constant commitment in recent years in reducing the use of chemical fertilizers with BIO stimulants (obtained from plant), especially the reduction of chemical phytosanitary products with organic and zero residue products, has allowed us to achieve the goal of "edible fruits with zero residue" and to have important certifications such as: "MPS", "GlobalG.AP" and "RESIDUO ZERO".
Following the market trends of large-scale distribution and particularly of the HORECA sector, which requires more and more the presence of zero-residue edible fruits on the plants we sell throughout Europe, gives us the opportunity to aim to a niche market and above all it will allow us to be already projected into the future.

Adherent to

Vivai Piante Torre Giuseppe Andrea
Sede Legale
Via Comunale Acquitta, 40
C.F.: TRR GPP 68R08 F206I - P. IVA: IT 01 827 760 834
Codice Univoco: M5UXCR1

Via della Campana - C/da Piana - Tonnarella
98054 Furnari (ME)

Sito realizzato da Sa.Ma.Ja. - Grafica

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